An early start

The sunrise was not as good as I had hoped - as you can see from the pictures there was a lot of cloud, including a solid bank of cloud at the horizon. This meant that I did not see the sun rise - it just got lighter and then the sun poked its head through a gap in the clouds some time after sunrise. However, many of the pictures do have a much nicer light than shots of the same subject taken at noon!
In the afternoon, we went to Minsmere. Whilst I did not have my camera, we were lucky enough to see two bittens - one flying and the other walking along the edge of the reeds, a group of three egrets - two great white egrets and one regular egret, and a lovely display of three march harriers flying around with each other. We also saw two otters - a first for us. The view through the binoculars of the three egrets near the reeds, two otters playing in the water to their right, and three marsh harriers swooping down to see what was going on was great.