Safari - Day 1 - Nairobi

Teresa and I have started our safari to Kenya! We arrived in Nairobi very early this morning after an overnight flight from Heathrow.  The flight was uneventful - at least for me as I slept through most of it.  We were picked up at the airport and driven to the hotel.  We arrived before 8am, and so had to wait a bit before we could get into the room.  We then started a little unpacking, and I got very concerned when I could hear broken glass in one of my camera lenses.  Fortunately, it was only the UV filter that had broken, and there does not appear to be any damage to the lens itself.  Hopefully, I can get a new filter to give the - clearly much needed - protection before we set off for safari properly on Tuesday.

We had a quick swim in the pool, and then went off for a city tour.  There was not that much to see in the city.  Although the population is around 4 million, there did not seem to be many impressive buildings, although the pano that I took of the city skyline makes it look better than it appeared from downtown.  One stunning feature of the city was the purple Jacaranda trees, after which the hotel we are staying in is named, and the number of black kites that swoop around the parks looking for mice to eat.  We then went to the Nairobi museum, and it was very nice to have a guide who took us on a tour of the museum and the next door snake park.

This evening, we had lunch in the lounge, also pictured.

Tomorrow, we are hoping to have a day of relaxation, and a little shopping for a new filter.