Today we had two game drives, one starting at 6.30 in the morning and the other at 4 this afternoon. Unfortunately, neither were as good as the one yesterday afternoon. We did see some elephant, thought not as many or as close as yesterday. There were a lot of oryx, grant gazelles, gerenux and impala, and we also saw both types of zebra - the grevy zebra with its vertical stripes and the more common, plain, zebra (still with black stripes on a white skin, but generally thicker and non vertical stripes). We did see a few giraffes, but our guide, Grephus, does not seem to like staying to watch giraffes much! We also saw warthogs, common water bucks, vervet monkeys and a striped ground squirrel. We also saw loads of birds, including a secretary bird, a flock of vulture rine guinea fowl (another only found north of the equator), a steppe eagle, a long crested eagle, a black chested snake eagle, marabou stork, a red and yellow birbett on a termites nest, a red billed oxtail on the back of an oryx and a red billed hornbill. This was in addition to other birds that we had seen yesterday and that we saw again today, including superb starlings, sparrow weavers and buffalo weavers.

We had hoped to be going on another game drive in Samburu in the morning, but since we had to leave to make our way to Treetops by 8am, there is not time. Pitty that Bales through whom we booked this trip and Rhino Safaris who are driving us around and doing the games drives are not on the same page!