Safari - The List of Sightings

Whilst we did not manage to note down every animal and bird that we saw during our safari, here is the list that we did note down as we saw them: Birds
Somali ostrich Red-billed hornbill Red-billed oxpicker Secretary bird Red and yellow birbett Marabou stork Black chested snake eagle Steppe eagle Vulture Rhine guinea fowl Black kites Masai ostrich Lilac breasted roller Augur buzzard Kingfisher African fish eagle Pelican Glossy ibis Egret Basted White chested cormorants Long tailed cormorants Vultures Tawny eagle Crowned crane Superb starling Lapidfest Nubian vulture Batulel eagle Flamingos (lesser and greater)
Impala Grant gazelle Thompson gazelle Elephant Cheetah Leopard Lion Giraffe (reticulated, Rothschild and Masai) Zebra (common and Grevy) Hippo Crocodile Reedbuck Common Waterbuck Cape buffalo Warthog Oryx Élan Rhino (black and white) Wilderbeast Black faced vervet monkey Baboons Unstriped ground squirrel White tailed mongoose Striped hyena Spotted hyena Colobus monkey Sykes monkey Hartbeast Topi Redbuck Agama lizard Side striped jackal Silver back jackal Genet cat