Safari - Nairobi - Day 2

Today was our day to relax, and so we started with a lie in before a very full breakfast. As I needed a new lens filter, we went to the shopping mall near the hotel.  Security was tight, with everyone being searched before they could go in.  Seemed slightly odd compared to shopping in the UK, but given the recent terrorist issues in Nairobi, it was understandable.

Unfortunately the shopping mall did not have that many stores, with the one camera shop not having any filters.  Having got our bearings on the city tour yesterday, we therefore decided to walk into Nairobi.  The centre of Nairobi was very busy and bustling - although this did not stop most of the shops having security guards at the door.  We got the filter, had some very nice milkshakes (a double espresso for Steve and a mango for Teresa) and some not so good burgers, before sitting in the park.

Back at the hotel, we made use of the swimming pool and had the relaxing afternoon we required ready for our early start tomorrow for the 6 hour trip to Samburu National Reserve for our first game drive, and hopefully to see reticulated giraffes, lion and elephant.