A week off

I have just finished a long week off work - starting on Friday lunchtime and finishing today, Monday evening, over a week later. I was hoping that the weather was going to be good so that I could go up to Southwold on my bike and spend a week riding around the Suffolk countryside, taking photos and getting some jobs done, including taking down the shed and building a new wood store, getting the garden done and the windows cleaned and generally relaxing.  Unfortunately, the weather did not co-operate.  Rather than the 20 degree heat that we had at the end of March in 2012, this week the highest temperature I saw was 6 degrees (today) and most of the time it was much closer to freezing, feeling even colder with the wind.  That meant that I went up in the car rather than on my bike (it was far too cold, and even if I had gone up on my bike I would not have ridden it much!).  It also meant that the garden is in the same state that it was in at the start of the week, the shed is still up and there is no new wood store, and only about half the windows have been cleaned.  I did, however, manage to get the fourth security camera up so that we can remotely view the front of the house, and I managed to create a new website - www.liketheshot.com.   This is intended to be a new site showing my best photos (rather than the family, friends and events pictures that are of personal interest but are not necessarily great photos).  I used The Turning Gate's new CE3 product with Lightroom.  The majority of the time was spent in sorting out some photos, although it did take a good few hours to work out how to set up the website.  The biggest issue seemed to be due to the way that GoDaddy, who hosts my website, seem to set up sub-domains which meant that a change was needed to some of the PHP files (enough of that!), but once I got everything worked out, I recreated the site in about 4 hours.  I am quite liking the way it looks - especially the way that it looks on an iPad and iPhone - and so think that I may change my main website, www.wovensheet.com, in a similar way.  First, I need to make sure that I can set the software up on both my computers to create two websites - if not I may stick with the current arrangements.