So much for blogging more in the New Year!

When I wrote my last blog on New Year's Eve, I had great plans to blog more regularly in 2013.  As usual, that plan did not last too long. 2013 has got off to a busy start - partly as there has been a lot going on at work, and also as I have had an attack of gout.  At work, we are in the process of replacing our Groupwise email system with Microsoft Exchange.  That has taken a lot of my time, both in and out of the office.  However, we are hopefully getting near to the end of that project, with the intention of going live with the new system at the start of March.  It will then be time to catch up on my professional work, before I hopefully have a few days off in the run up to Easter.

In the meantime, a few weeks ago I had an attack of gout - very, very painful.  It meant that I ended up spending a whole week working from home - much of it on the telephone and online.  Working remotely did work very well - I managed to chair a meeting where I was the only one of around 15 people who was not in the room for the meeting, and we only over ran by 15 minutes!

All this has meant that I have not had too much time for taking photos, riding my bike or flying my planes.  However, I did get up early this morning and managed to take a few pictures of Southwold pier in the fog.  Unfortunately, a little too foggy, but the picture below is my favourite - after a little Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro work.